The Role Of Harmonic In Power Generation [ figure 1] |
The simple answer is Electrical power generation is never available without harmonic components let us have a clear understanding of this.
Hysteresis loop
The Role Of Harmonic In Power Generation [figure 2] |
Hysteresis loop is a graphical indicator which is defined if any feromegnatic material energies by supply a Electrical field permanently stored for this represenation called Hysteresis loop matter is completely related to the hysteresis loop or B-H curve of magnetic material or can be called b-h curve of magnetic material.We will understand step by step how it is related.
Generation without Harmonic is possible?
The Role Of Harmonic In Power Generation [figure 3] |
When the alternator generates power, its speed is related to the voltage.That is, if the speed is less than, the voltage is affected or it can be said that the voltage is proportional to the speed.In addition, if the speed is linear, then the voltage waveform will be sinusoidal.The result will be induced flux sinusoidal.
The current may not be sinusoidal as a result of induced flux. Current webform distortion comes.Distortions in the webform are called harmonic or harmonic components.The cause of this distortion is usually attributed to the B-H curve of ferromagnetic material.
To simplify the content, a brief discussion on B-H curve was given.The B-H curve is one such property of ferromagnetic materials.Although some ferromagnetic materials are isolated to have electrical energy, some amount of magnetic energy resides in the material.
The amount of magnetic energy depends on the nature of the ferromagnetic material.That is, even though no generator produces electrical energy, some magnetic properties are present in it.For this magnetic property some small amount of current can flow in the circuit called magnetizing current or no load current.
When the alternator starts running its speed is maximum then voltage induced flux is maximum and current flows for induced flux in the circuit it creates distortion for the magnetizing current i.e. there is a harmonic component in the output current.What Harmonic looks like is said to be one or more of those webforms created on the main waveform.
Since Harmonic Webform does not maintain any general webform, it is not generally possible to measure the various parameters of the waveform.
Harmonic waveform has to take the help of Fourier series to convert Generalized WaveForm.Harmonic Waveform converts generalized waveform through Fourier series and then different current parameters are obtained.
The generalized parameters are indicated by excluding the harmonics that are used to measure the output current during power generation.From this it can be said that the harmonic is above the fully related magnetizing current.
The magnetizing current depends on the B-H curve. Just as the B-H curve cannot be excluded during power generation, the harmonic component cannot be excluded.
There are usually two types of harmonics, odd harmonic and even harmonic.We know that harmonic waveform are part of the main waveform.
If we imagine a half cycle being divided by more than one waveform, we can see that those parts are only being odd or even order . In between odd harmonic is dangerous for Electrical equipments .
It causes loss in power system , sudden voltage drop, Induction Motor crawling effect etc . This odd needs to substrate from system.Even harmonic Maintained as selfly generalized order.Farther Details will be given in any other content.
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